3 natural masks to exfoliate your hair and make it grow fast

3 natural masks to exfoliate your hair and make it grow fast

If you notice that your hair does not grow as it should, maybe what you need is to exfoliate it, here we share 3 mask options for you to do it

Many of us have the idea that exfoliation is only for the face and body, but did you know that scalp exfoliation is also essential? If you notice that it has not grown since you cut it, perhaps this is the cause, we rarely pay attention to this aspect of our hair.

Sometimes it is not enough to brush it, apply treatments such as masks to moisturize it and the famous blisters, it is also necessary to exfoliate the hair since it fulfills the same function as when we do this procedure on the face or hands, that is, to eliminate dead cells, in addition to protecting the health of our hair.

Exfoliation in the hair allows us to get rid of fat, sebum and dirt , in addition to improving blood circulation, which gives our hair a better appearance and above all, makes it grow faster, because we leave the scalp clean and ready. for the hair to grow.

If you don’t know how to exfoliate it, start with these 3 masks that also have some extra properties that give it shine, silkiness, zero frizz, in short, make it look like it just came out of the salon and be the center of attention, here are the recipes that we share with you .

3 natural masks to exfoliate your hair and make it grow fast. Photo: Unsplash
3 natural masks to exfoliate your hair and make it grow fast. Photo: Unsplash

Ground coffee . Ingredient that is an infallible exfoliant and that, due to its antioxidant content, stimulates collagen production. Just mix 4 tablespoons of ground coffee and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil, apply the product to the scalp with a circular massage and let it rest for 10 minutes. minutes, then wash as usual.

Apple vinager. Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 2 sugar, 1 apple cider vinegar and 1 honey, until completely incorporated, apply as the previous mask. Vinegar deep cleans the scalp, it can even restore the natural pH.

Sugar and aloe vera. We all know about the exfoliating properties of sugar, while aloe vera is a good anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial. You are going to put 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 of aloe vera gel in a container, stir and apply to your hair, also leave it for 10 minutes and wash.