5 actions you can do daily to take care of your thyroid

5 actions you can do daily to take care of your thyroid

Surely you have heard of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, we share these actions to take care of your thyroid that you can do daily

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck, this gland is one of the endocrine glands that produces hormones that control the rate of many body functions, including how quickly calories are burned and how fast it beats. the heart, hence its importance.

Not taking care of it properly can trigger health problems, some of them can be hyperthyroidism , which is when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormone than is needed; As well as hypothyroidism , which occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone, you have surely heard of these conditions.

Thyroid diseases can lead to cancer ; Before any symptom, you should consult your doctor but you can also implement some of these actions that we share with you to take care of your health, especially the one that has to do with the thyroid.

Do exercises . Nothing better for the health of your thyroid than doing physical activity, since exercise will help regulate the speed of metabolism, remember that it will not only do this gland good, but your entire body.

Get off the sugar . Also avoid packaged foods, sugar can cause the thyroid to swell, which is why doctors recommend reducing its consumption, with this you help reduce the chances of suffering from other diseases such as diabetes.

5 actions you can do daily to take care of your thyroid. Photo: Pexels
5 actions you can do daily to take care of your thyroid. Photo: Pexels

Goodbye smoking. The worst thing you can give your body is cigarettes, along with caffeine, they will inflame the thyroid, speed up the metabolism and make it work more than it should, avoid them as much as you can.

Include iodine in your diet. Iodine regulates the body’s energy and growth, so it is essential to improve health, you can find this element in shellfish, fish and other sea foods such as algae.

relax . Factors such as stress, tiredness and not sleeping well can weaken the thyroid, because you burn energy reserves and spend more iodine, sleeping at your hours (preferably 8) and avoiding work overload and stress will make you feel better.