6 Basic Tips Every Girl Would Like You To Take Care More Of

6 Basic Tips Every Girl Would Like You To Take Care More Of

Men also groom themselves, take care of themselves and cry. Avoid being next on the list to get criticized for going out on a date in a soccer shirt, for God’s sake have mercy

As they see you they treat you, this is a saying that more than one of us have heard in our lives and it is true, currently in the world where we live, personal appearance is an important part that many companies, men and women take into account when it comes to to make a decision about whether or not to employ someone or to start a romantic relationship with someone.

Most women are always aware of their appearance, from how their hair, nails, clothes, their breath, their skin, everything looks; That is why it is not strange that they are the ones who spend the most money, in addition, at any time of the year they go to aesthetics, clothing stores, shoe stores and everything that has to do with their personal grooming, but what about the mens?

We are not going to deny that they are also interested in their physical appearance, but they do so to a lesser extent, that is why here we have some basic tips that women have for men.

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Ducks to water!

It does not matter if it is cold or hot, the bath should be daily 2 to 3 times a day, oh and please do not forget to trim the beauty of your intimate area a little if you do not want to suffer embarrassment or unconstructive criticism, you are already an adult then behave like one. There is no worse feeling than your girl noticing that you smell like sweat or even worse that you see the dirt, believe me that at this point the romance will end.

Brush your teeth

There is no exact number of times a day that you should do it, just do it after each meal, if you prefer, you can also floss or mouthwash, do it as you like but brush your teeth.

Taking care of your image speaks well of you. Photo: Pixabay

In addition, another point that you should not miss is to schedule a visit with the dentist at least twice a year, breath is something that you should not neglect for any reason, because even if you have the most romantic appointment of all prepared, your breath is Reason enough to end everything else.

Use deodorant

Using deodorant is a perfect and necessary complement after bathing. Remember to use it frequently and in small quantities. Do not forget to take it with you if you are going to practice any sport or if you go to the gym. We further recommend the use of antiperspirant as it is specially designed to kill odor-causing bacteria, while deodorant is only perfume.

Take care of your beard

If you are one of the men who likes to grow a beard, don’t be unconscious and fix it every time it needs it; For no reason let it look misaligned because it will become less attractive to the eye. Growing a beard and not giving it good maintenance is like giving way to bacteria that live on your face.

Cut your nails

And we talk about all nails, from those that are visible to the naked eye to those that are more hidden. It doesn’t take you more than 10 minutes to do it. It is super unpleasant that when dating a girl you notice your long and dirty nails, remember that hands are something that we cannot hide and if you do not have time to fix your nails, imagine what she is going to think of the rest of your body .

Take care of your eyebrows

The care of the eyebrows is not only for women but also for men, they have to pay a little more attention to this area, we are not saying that you remove your eyebrow, that you paint it and brush it, NO! You just have to take care that a unibrow does not form, all you have to do is remove the hairs from between the eyebrows.