A teacher who used an oxygen tank dies of Covid

A teacher who used an oxygen tank dies of Covid

When you love your profession, nothing can limit or stop you, while you still have your last breath, there are no impossible things, and this was made clear by this brave teacher who continued teaching until the last day of his life.

For more than a year now, the coronavirus has come to our world to appropriate it and completely change the entire dynamics of life, including face-to-face classes; So in today’s article we will address the topic A teacher who gave his classes with an oxygen tank dies of Covid.

The 71-year-old academic, Jesús Gavelán Izaguirre, was a professor at the Faculty of Accounting Sciences at San Marcos University in Peru, who lost his life due to the coronavirus. His great love for his role led him to continue teaching with an oxygen tank until he finally lost the battle.

It should be noted that at his age it was difficult but not impossible to understand technological issues, not counting vision problems and many other things, which is truly admirable in him, since anyone else in his place would have chosen to abandon his students to take care of your health.

For many students and parents, receiving virtual classes instead of the face-to-face classes to which they were already accustomed, is a real challenge with which they still struggle, but Professor Jesús was a man truly prepared and committed to the education of his students. students.

Students of Professor Jesús remain vulnerable to such loss. Photo: Pixabay

Only people who knew my father will be able to understand that there was no force or reason in this world that would separate him from his students, said Fabiola Del Rocío Gavelán, the teacher’s daughter.

Regarding what happened, one can come to think that perhaps Professor Jesús could have lived longer, however in January of this year 2021 he contracted the coronavirus disease, which was complicated because he already suffered from heart problems.

Let’s not forget also that cold fronts leave older people even more vulnerable, and things get even worse when so much confinement deprives them of the benefits of vitamin D that the sun can naturally provide to our body, with the which helps us to tolerate and combat the symptoms of this terrible disease.

Without a doubt, it is a very interesting topic that invites us all to reflect on what is happening at the moment, especially when many states of the Mexican Republic are thinking or considering the option of returning to face-to-face classes. What is your opinion when respect?

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