Acanthosis Nigricans Dark Neck Lightening Remedies

Acanthosis Nigricans Dark Neck Lightening Remedies

There are effective remedies to counteract acanthosis nigricans or pigmentosa, also known as "black neck disease"

Do not be scared if you suddenly see that your neck turns black, this skin affection is called acanthosis nigricans or pigmentosa, and it is harmless. Besides that there are important and effective natural remedies to counteract it.

It should be noted that canthus nigricans or pigmentosa can appear to anyone but mainly to those who suffer from obesity. First of all you should visit a doctor, it is important that you do so, and at the same time you can apply the following effective home remedies.

Here we share some home treatments that have worked to lighten the neck, take note and remember that there is no worse fight than the one that is not done.

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Acanthosis nigricans dark neck lightening remedies. Photo: Pixabay

Lemon and baking soda

This is one of the infallible formulas, but it is recommended that it only be done at night, since lemon is a strong acid in contact with the skin and during the day it can have the opposite effect, staining you instead of cleaning the skin. spots on your neck

The lemon controls the pH and the bicarbonate removes the dead cells. All you have to do is take half a lemon, pass it through the bicarbonate and start carving the neck, the entire area where it looks dark, then let it rest for 5 or 10 minutes and remove with water at the same time.

Milk and sugar treatment

This wonderful mixture has worked for millions of people as a very effective exfoliation, you just have to put sugar on a plate and little by little you add milk until you achieve a consistency that does not melt the sugar, it has to be lumps so that these, when contact with your skin in a massage in circles, they can gradually remove the dead cells, and reactivate your skin.

The lactic acid in milk helps to lighten stains and, incidentally, leaves a smooth and hydrated texture. Once you have it on your face, let it act for ten minutes and remove with water at the same time.

It is recommended that these peels be done one day if and one day not. You will see the changes little by little.