At what age should a girl have her first boyfriend and what to do if she already has one

At what age should a girl have her first boyfriend and what to do if she already has one

If you are a mother or father of a girl, the issue of courtship can worry you a lot, that is why you must be well informed and know how to act responsibly, attentive that this is very important in the life of your little girl

Getting married is always a very difficult first step for many people, especially men, and when the children arrive, things get a little more complicated for them, especially when it comes to the issue of boyfriends, which makes The following question arises. At what age should a girl have her first boyfriend and what to do if she already has one?

Girls are always going to be the darlings of dad, and of course also of mom, that is why every time a suitor approaches they want to scare him away, it is understood, but it is not good either to drive them away from home, first of all you have to be very clear at what age it would be prudent for her to have her first boyfriend, because that is something that you will not be able to avoid, but if you can put conditions.

If your daughter still does not reach 10 years of age, you have time to think about this situation well, since it is something that will inevitably happen, logically you do not want her to neglect her studies, much less, that is why you should act smart so you don’t go wrong with her either.

At what age do girls begin to be interested in boys? Generally this occurs between 14 and 15 years of age, however, experts recommend that this be between 16 and 17 years, although of course this can vary because it depends a lot on the maturity of the adolescent.

With girls you have to have a lot of communication and not close the issue, you have to talk with her, advise her and above all give her confidence, because being so young they need the support of their parents in difficult moments where tears begin to run down their cheeks .

If your daughter asks your permission to have a boyfriend, value what she is doing, it is worse than doing it secretly, and take the opportunity to tell her that you want to meet him, but be careful, do not start with uncomfortable interrogations, just make sure you know where they go, What are they going to do and what time will they be back?

If you already have a boyfriend, you may want to lose control, but you must know how to react, so calm down and breathe deeply, teenagers always say that they are grown, that you do not get into their lives and that they know perfectly well what what they are doing, although of course this is not entirely true, but it is at 18 when they already have the minimum preparation to be as a couple, so give it a chance.

It is true that we must avoid an early pregnancy, it is not something we want for them at such a young age, so before avoiding it, better educate, and do not make fun of their feelings or reject them, better adapt to the situation and respect their privacy, be prudent with your comments and win it for good, as long as you build strong foundations with principles and values, there will be a lot of ground gained.