Diseases That A Boyfriend Who Has Been Unfaithful Can Spread

Diseases That A Boyfriend Who Has Been Unfaithful Can Spread

These are the STDs that you can get from your boyfriend who was with other women and did not use protection despite having a monogamous relationship with you

When deciding to be intimate with someone, many things must be taken into account, including that both members are healthy or the method to protect themselves from any disease .

It must be taken into account that trust in the partner is of the utmost importance and a basic fact is to look for the care they should take so as not to put health at risk. So you must know the diseases that your unfaithful boyfriend can infect you.

When you have a stable and lasting courtship, it is quite likely that you have stopped using a condom and opted for other contraceptive methods, unaware that he could be infected with an STD. In case your partner has been with someone else anonymously, there is a very high possibility that he could infect you with something.

Diseases that a boyfriend who has been unfaithful can spread. Photo: Pexels

Next I will introduce you to the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Remember that you should visit the gynecologist at least once a year and undergo bedside tests such as pap smear and colposcopy.


It is one of the most common diseases. That increases the risk factors when you have several intimate partners and you do not use a condom during the intimate act. In general, men do not have any symptoms when they contract it but they can spread it. The most common treatment is with matronidazole or tinidazole.

Common symptoms include: foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching, and painful urination.

Genital herpes

This is a disease that the body can never eliminate and is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Although men also have some symptoms, it is quite likely that they do not have any discomfort and are only carriers of the virus.

According to what Silvia Alicia Ortiz Pérez, a genital physician graduated from UNAM, said, this disease is about antivirals that reduce sidemination and discomfort. It can cause pain, as well as itching and sores in the genital area. In the same way, if you are infected, you could have symptoms and only be a carrier.

Human papilloma virus

HPV is a viral infection that usually causes skin growths and warts, but can occasionally lead to cancer.There are more than 100 varieties of this virus, usually transmitted sexually or through other skin contact to skin.

Vaccines can help protect against strains of HPV that are more likely to cause genital warts or cervical cancer. It is possible that, like other STDs, it does not generate symptoms and the person is only a carrier, but even so if they are capable of infecting their partner.

However, different types of warts can occur, if you feel discomfort or pain because of them, it is important that you visit the doctor immediately.


It is an infection caused by a sexually transmitted bacterium that infects both men and women, in both cases it is usually asymptomatic. It is extremely contagious.

Among the symptoms that occur according to the Mayo Clinic are increased vaginal discharge, pain when urinating, bleeding between periods or after having intimate relationships, even abdominal or pelvic pain. This should be treated with antibiotics, but only the doctor is the one who should prescribe them.

You should not forget to use condoms in case you have intimate relationships since being in a monogamous relationship is not a guarantee that you are free from contagion of any disease.