Do you talk to your dog? You’re not crazy, he understands you

Do you talk to your dog? You're not crazy, he understands you

According to a scientific study it is a fact that your best friend can understand how you feel and even be empathetic

If you are a faithful lover of dogs, you have surely found yourself talking to your puppy , this article is for you, as a new study has discovered that your pet actually understands what you say.

Maybe you’ve even mentioned it to someone. Research has shown this to be true, but it doesn’t have to do with words but with the facial expressions you make when communicating, it even has to do with your tone of voice.

The study published in the research journal Current was commissioned to investigate and explain that dogs have the learned ability to differentiate between happy and angry human faces.

Do you talk to your dog? You’re not crazy, he loves you Photo: Pexels

So it’s a given that your best friend can understand how you feel and even be empathetic. His abilities are so great that in addition, your dog can detect when someone does not like you.

To reach this conclusion, a group of dogs was exposed to 15 pairs of images. To one part of the animals only the upper halves of the faces were shown and to the other only the lower halves.

In the end it was found that the dogs used their memory of real human faces to compare it with what they were seeing and accomplish the task of discrimination.

Despite the success of the study, the researchers found that happy faces are much easier to identify than other emotions.

In other words, it is more difficult for animals to distinguish between anger and sadness or other mostly complex feelings that they may not be able to experience.

Do you talk to your dog? You’re not crazy, he loves you Photo: Pexels

Another point to discuss that arises from the results obtained is whether the dogs were correct due to their great experience with the emotional expressions of their owners or if it is a skill acquired during the domestication process and subsequent artificial selection.

It is also questioned if perhaps this could be a capacity of all mammals, or only of those whose species has accompanied humanity for as many years as dogs.

If you do not have a dog and you want to experience his unconditional love to the fullest, we suggest you adopt one, here we tell you what the benefits are.