How To Cope With A Relationship When Your Partner Is Dishonest

How To Cope With A Relationship When Your Partner Is Dishonest

We are all dishonest, but some of us sin more than others, and when this becomes a vice the relationship wears out, difficult to find who is perfect, but if we can learn to deal with their defects

Honesty is first and foremost the basis in a relationship, this allows us that things can flow without so many complications, since when we start with lies, we generate mistrust and we gradually wear out that bond that exists between the two.

So the central question is, how can I deal with my partner if he is a liar? At that point it is difficult for a person to change, so if he already has a habit of being dishonest, that will probably never change, and if you do not consider this to be a compelling reason to quit, then you will have to learn to handle it correctly.

Despite the fact that lies make this world turn, they should not be abused, lack of honesty always complicates everything, why? because sooner or later things always come to light, and for some it is fatal to discover that they have been deceived by the love of their life.

Being honest is very easy to say, but in practice there is the real problem, and this encompasses both, both the man and the woman, and that is that when it comes to being sincere, it should be true in good times and in good faith. The bad news is not pretending to be happy when in reality you are not comfortable, because putting on a mask will prevent our partner from suffering, but it deeply destroys us.

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It may be that as a woman you are reluctantly tolerating that your boyfriend goes out with his friends or that you remain silent before certain actions that he has and that make you uncomfortable, what do you do about it? shut up, and that is precisely what you are doing wrong, when something bothers you you must be honest and tell them, but you have to let them know with kindness, without eager to generate a lawsuit because there they will only turn a deaf ear, it is even necessary that we be insistent because things are not usually resolved the first time, it happens to all of us.

On the other hand, you should not fear being rejected, you have to dare to show yourself as you are, with your strengths and weaknesses, because many times we pretend to be someone else and live with the anguish of believing that if I behave naturally it is You may be disappointed, of course we have to polish ourselves a bit to make the relationship more bearable, but that does not imply that you have to change your essence.

Remember also that there must be freedom in the relationship, that is, we have to share our opinions and behave in the way we feel most comfortable but without harming third parties; And finally, when they do something to you that you did not like, do not try to blame your partner, it is not always our intention to harm others, sometimes it just usually happens, but if you have to talk about it and let them know so that they avoid it to the extent as possible.