How to prevent nail polish from staining

How To Prevent Nail Polish From Staining The Nail

We love red or strong nails, but many times when we remove it, it leaves our nails stained and we look for tricks so that it does not happen.

Wearing perfect hands is something that women love, this part of our body represents much and more in the romantic sense, that is why some resort to enamel to beautify them, the problem is that sometimes it stains our nails.

There are various brands of enamels on the market as well as colors , when we constantly apply a tone but especially strong ones such as reddish when removing it can leave our nails stained, which is why we look for a trick to avoid it.

The easiest way for the polish not to stain our nails is to prepare it, unlike when we apply acrylic nails that need to be somewhat porous so that it adheres better, what we will do before the polish is to create a protective layer.

How to prevent polish from staining the nail. Photo: Pixabay

It is essential to have a transparent polish at home since it can help us to solve several things in our daily life that go from preventing a stocking from running, accessories from rusting and also from staining our nails.

If you will be wearing a wine or red color, you will apply a layer of transparent polish on all the nails, letting it dry perfectly, now apply a first layer of polish, the ideal is always to start from the middle and then on each side until it looks uniform.

Depending on the tone you want to achieve, you can give a second pass, let it dry and to reinforce the appearance of your hands, pass a layer of transparent enamel giving it more shine and making it last longer.

When we remove it with a polish remover you will see that the nail has not stained anything and it is because of the trick of putting the transparent enamel layer on it, of course we also have to take care of our hands daily by filing it so that it does not split, also do not last many with The same polish even if it is the same color that you will put on, apply new so that the nail breathes.

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