I liked you better when I knew you less

I liked you better when I knew you less

It is not that the magic is lost, only the trick is discovered, you realize that the person you thought you knew is wearing a mask.

What a great disappointment you get when you discover that the person you thought you fully understood has hidden many situations from you and you come to the conclusion that you liked him more when you knew him less , has that happened to you?

Over time everything is discovered, the most hidden lies, the most certain reasons and the people who turned out to be false: I liked you better when I knew you less, the true face comes out after all.

There are people who hide their true side to achieve a goal , because they do not accept themselves as they are or because they try to protect themselves from something, but they end up building something totally different from their reality.

You can see: A woman with dreams needs a man with vision at her side.

I liked you
I liked you better when I knew you less. Photo: Unsplash.

When you like a person, you want to know everything about him, his tastes, his family, his friends, where and with whom he lives, and what he tells you you consider as absolute truth, would there be reasons to distrust?

However, the disaster comes over time, when you discover that the person you liked is not so similar to what you thought he was or that he contradicts himself in what you say he is and how he really acts.

Sometimes you have to know more, it subtracts less from that image that you are building of a person, because one thing is as you idealize it and another as it really turns out to be.

When you see and speak to that person for the first time, you imagine it as the best thing that could have happened to you, but you must know it in all its facets, happy, angry, sad, disoriented, only then will you be able to know if it is really what you are looking for.

To avoid these disappointments, you must ask everything before taking a false step, know, get rid of all those doubts that crowd your head and do not build a wrong image of who you have in front of you.

Do not get carried away by a passing taste or charm, you have to discover what is behind it, we all have a past and future goals, know what it is about, do not let your mind cloud and know the true face of people.

It is not that the magic is lost, only the trick is discovered, if something like this has happened to you, do not take it as a bad experience, but as a lesson that you must know that person very well before giving your heart completely.