I miss you so much but I deserve to move on with my life

I miss you so much but I deserve to move on with my life

It is difficult to say goodbye to the person you once loved, although it has been a while since they broke up, you do not forget it, but you know that you must continue

Although it hurts in our hearts, there are times that that person who made us very happy in a time, must leave our life, emotionally speaking, there are different scenarios in which, after a time of having finished, it is time to saying goodbye , letting go of certain things, moments or people is hard.

Life puts you in front of people who make you happy, but also those who at the same time break your heart, it’s up to you, get ahead , that’s when you prove yourself that despite not wanting or not being able to forget that person you had an immense love for, life goes on and must continue.

It is a process that takes time, sometimes it takes years of your life, but when you finish healing, you find yourself again, you realize what you suffered and you are practically a new person and although deep down you see that person as someone special, you opt for your self-love and move on.

When a man who told you he loved betrays you, recovery can include resentments, bad times, hatred; it is understandable, they broke your heart in a cruel way, even so you find yourself with the surprise that you feel love for him, you miss him but your pride will make you realize that you deserve to continue with your life.

I miss you so much but I deserve to move on with my life. Photo: Unsplash
I miss you so much but I deserve to move on with my life. Photo: Unsplash

There is another scenario in which , by mutual agreement, they have reached the conclusion of leaving each other, ending the relationship because their plans do not match, there is no longer love or simply, fate intervened in an unexpected way. Shortly after, almost after deciding to walk away, memories come and that doubt if destiny will bring them together again, but you are also sure that it is better to continue.

And finally, we have a sad, tragic scenario; when that person leaves this world; leaving one of the worst pains that someone can suffer, every day without that person is agony, you face missing her forever, but also, you learn in one way or another that you must learn to live with pain and even though your whole life sorry, you must continue.

Inevitably, the people who love us or who loved us at some point, stay in our lives in one way or another, we should not stay stuck in the same moment that will not return. Free yourself and free that person, you deserve to move on with your life and let others find that path too.