If it controls you it is not love, signs that it has you dominated

If it controls you it is not love, signs that it has you dominated

"My boyfriend loves me because he tells me what to do and doesn’t let me go out alone, he does it for my own good." If you have heard these phrases, it is not love, it is control, it does not take care of you, it does not protect you, what it does is manipulate you.

Be careful when a man doesn’t want to leave you for even a second, domination, manipulation and control are always present in some couple relationships. How to know that your partner controls you ? To begin with, not because he takes you, brings you and tells you that without you his life is worth nothing, this is a sign that you could be with a potential controller.

It is a nice detail that your partner takes you or brings you by common agreement, but when it is an imposition, the romantic is nowhere to be seen . Many times the woman does not realize that the man has her cornered, he makes her whole world revolve around what he says, even if it is disguised as love.

When you hear a woman say: "My girlfriend really loves me because she warns me not to have male friends, because they all have bad intentions." There are women who cannot go out alone with friends, because they have to ask permission to see if the boyfriend will let them. This is a dangerous sign as it is the beginning of all the total control you could have over her.

If it controls you it is not love, signs that it has you dominated. Photo: Pixabay
If it controls you it is not love, signs that it has you dominated. Photo: Pixabay

Taking care of you is not the same as controlling you, and you must be alert to be able to differentiate them and take actions to stop or put the cards on the table. Specialists recommend that you ask yourself the following questions:

How do I know if it’s love or control? "It’s not what he does, but with what intention he does it"
How do these apparent cares make you feel?
Do they make you addicted?
Did you propose them?
What would happen if you refuse to listen to any of them?

The big problem occurs when your boyfriend gets angry because you question him and something that he could simply answer, turns into an argument where he claims you, or starts insulting you. Love should not be conditioned by anything or by anyone.

The man who controls takes it as an action or several actions that he imposes to feel his high ego. They expose themselves to the couple as a man who protects you, but that is why you should pay attention to him, an action with manipulation.

The controller minimizes you and blames you: He has no filter when he criticizes the way you dress, the way you eat and even how you speak. He yells at you, and in very extreme cases they come to blows.

These types of controlling men come across as possessive, and they show you that they are jealous and always think that you can cheat on them.

They are possessive people, they yell and even break your cell phone, they don’t let you go out with friends, they feel that you have to ask permission for everything.

It is recommended that you take these signs into account and take action, if you find yourself in this situation, go to a specialist and ask for help.