Is Getting Slammed Out Of Bed Deadly For Your Heart?

Is Getting Slammed Out Of Bed Deadly For Your Heart?

There are those who point out that getting out of bed too quickly could be a time bomb for your heart, but how true is it that this action can stop this organ?

Surely you have also seen in Facebook or WhatsApp chains the rule of three and a half minutes that could save your life and that you should wait before putting one foot out of your covers, otherwise you would be exposed to heart failure, but ¿ Getting out of bed is lethal to your heart? clear that doubt and stop tormenting yourself before this alert.

Worrying about your health is very important, so you have to know what habits to implement for a healthy life and which ones to stop doing, for example, is getting out of bed suddenly deadly for your heart? There are people who at night have the need to get up to the bathroom and go out to check that everything is in order around the house, but you have to do it with caution.

Several know the rule of 3 and a half minutes that each individual must take under the command of not getting up so quickly from bed, since it is said that this preventive action would greatly reduce the number of sudden deaths, since at the time of Putting one foot out of bed quickly alters the ECG pattern, but what is the truth in all this?

get up suddenly out of bed
Is getting out of bed deadly for your heart? Photo: Pexels.

In social networks there are states that warn that getting up suddenly from bed in the middle of the night to go to urinate, drink water or check that there are no thieves waiting to attack, can cause heart failure due to lack of blood That is why it is recommended to stay in bed for a minute and a half, sit for half a minute and lower your legs for another half minute.

However, this data that continues to circulate on social networks has not been accepted by cardiologists, who in articles related to heart failure problems have ruled out the fact of getting out of bed quickly as a cause of sudden death at night, has been confused with other symptoms.

Cardiologists who have studied the subject closely, affirm that suddenly getting out of bed can cause dizziness due to the change in pressure that is generated, known in medicine as orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension, which in addition to possible dizziness, can cause blackout for a few seconds, but does not cause lethal damage.

What is orthostatic hypotension?

Orthostatic hypotension is also known as postural hypotension and is a form of low blood pressure that occurs when you stand up after sitting or lying down for long periods of time, making you feel dizzy or lightheaded, it can even cause you to pass out. , the episodes may last less than a few minutes.

You should know that when you stand up, gravity causes blood to accumulate in the legs and abdomen, causing the blood pressure to decrease because there is less blood circulating back to the heart, when this happens, the baroreceptors that are found near the arteries of the heart and neck they sense the lowest blood pressure and send signals to the brain centers that signal the heart to beat faster and pump more blood, thus stabilizing blood pressure.