Lies That An Infidel Tells To Keep His Lover Happy

Lies That An Infidel Tells To Keep His Lover Happy

There are women who have long relationships with married men hoping that one day they will keep their promises

Low self-esteem, fear of loneliness or simply for pleasure women decide to be the other in a relationship with a married man, but there are lies that an infidel tells to keep his lover happy and do not leave that love triangle with false promises.

The lies and promises that a married man makes are rarely kept, if a woman agrees to be the other and to have a relationship with them despite knowing that they are married, they will try to keep her lover quiet with lies until she decides leave.

I am going to get divorced

When a married man wants to go out with another woman, the first thing he lets him know is that he has problems with his wife and is about to divorce, it is a lie that never fails them, they tell it when they do not want their lover to leave them, they could promise that they will soon have a formal relationship, although that may last for years or may never happen, until their lover tires and decides to leave.

The divorce that never comes for the lover of a married man. Pixel

I have no chemistry with my wife

Telling the lover that he does not have chemistry with his wife makes the other feel more desired, but the truth is that the man enjoys being in bed with both of them, but he tells the lie to make his lover feel better and keep her. happy He could even speak very badly of his wife to make the other feel sorry for him and consent to him after his supposed suffering at home, but if he suffers so much, why hasn’t he left?

I am with her for my children

He is a total victim, a great father and for this reason he decides to endure the hell that he lives with his wife, that makes the lover think that he is with her for love and that he is a good man. But perhaps he also lies to his wife and makes promises to her as to his lover.

He does not want to make his children suffer, so he puts up with his wife, another lie.

You are my true love

The married man to keep his lover happy could tell her that it is what he always looked for, that love is his life, that if he had known her before everything would be different, but that is only to sweeten the ear even more than a single man Some men treat their lover like a queen so that she is always there when he wants to use her, making him believe that he is really love.

I had never been unfaithful to my wife

The idea of ​​the married man is to make his lover believe that he is a great person, that he has values ​​and feelings, which is why they often tell this lie that it is the first time that they have been unfaithful to his wife when perhaps they have a second lover.

After telling you those lies and she never gets divorced, she does not shout to the world that she is with you, she can get too hooked until she thinks that she is in love and that can be painful when the other realizes that that man lied to her and made promises that will never comply.