Meaning Of Bringing A Red Ribbon On The Left Hand Or Foot

Meaning Of Bringing A Red Ribbon On The Left Hand Or Foot

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The specialist Vieira explains in detail what it is for wearing a red ribbon with 7 knots on the left hand or foot. "The ribbon or red thread, comes from India, many Hindus put aside a red thread, they also put a red point between the eyebrows, on the part of the forehead . " But we also tell you the dark side of this red bow in your hand.

In India: When it is put on the forehead, it is so that men know that the woman is married, but the red thread on the wrist of the hand means that that woman is single and ready to get engaged. But in the esoteric world it has its benefits in your life. We explain it to you!

Now, another of the meanings is that it helps to drive away bad vibes, but for this it is important that you know how to put it. You should first ask someone you trust who has especially good vibes to put the red ribbon on the wrist of your hand.

Vieria explains what the color red means. Photo: special.

When that person is putting it on, he has to tie you seven knots , for the seven seasons, for the seven days of the week, and in each knot you are asking for whatever you want, it can be the first for money, the second for health and the third for love and so you add your wishes.

Vieira mentions that you can still use the ribbon with three or seven knots. There are people who use the dead number, which is nine, everyone is free to choose the knots you need. But the expert gives a warning.

Red ribbon warning:

When the red thread breaks after days or months, it warns that you should not put it on again, because that is bad, the thread breaks because it has already been charged with bad energy, if you put it on, you are putting again all those bad things. +

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So when it breaks, throw that red ribbon, or bracelet, or thread, whatever you want to call it, you must take it and throw it into the sea, the sea removes everything bad. Vieria is one of the experts in reading letters, and has earned the trust of her fans, who are millions around the world.

This ribbon should be put on the left foot or hand, because there it is on the side of the heart.

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