Natural Treatment To Eliminate Stones In The Kidneys

Natural Treatment To Remove Stones In The Kidneys

Be careful with kidney stones, you can avoid them with this natural treatment and have a better quality of life

No one is exempt from suffering from stones or stones in the kidneys , when you feel certain symptoms such as severe back pain, you should go to a consultation immediately since you could be having solid formations in your kidneys.

Another of the symptoms that tell you that you could have kidney stones is having strong fevers and chills or when you go to the bathroom and see that you are making blood through the urine, it is immediately that you should go to your trusted doctor.

Stones are formed in the kidneys due to certain substances found in urine , the size varies, it can be from a grain of sand or the size of a bean. These can block the urinary tract, this causes intense pain in the patient.


We share natural treatments that you can carry out to combat this problem or you can prevent having these kidney stones.

Apple cider treatment

This is a vinegar that contains citric acid, they help to dissolve the calcium that little by little is going to accumulate in the kidneys and that is what forms kidney stones. What you have to do is take two tablespoons every morning, but you have to dissolve these in little water. It is recommended that you take it throughout the day, before each meal.

Green wheat juice

This can be taken all day, it also has an antioxidant effect and helps to expel the minerals and salts that accumulate in the urinary tract, in this way they do not crystallize. It is about green wheat.

What you have to do is take the freshly sprouted leaves of the common wheat plant, and put them in the blender, they blend very well. Or you can also find compacted wheat pills in health food stores and they work very well.

Kidney health can be balanced by consuming a lot of water and foods that do not contain as much fat.

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