Open Scissors Under The Mattress To Scare Bad Energy

Open Scissors Under The Mattress To Scare Bad Energy

Use this way to ward off the bad energies that haunt your room, we explain how to place the open scissors under your mattress

Good vibes help balance energies throughout the house and in people, sometimes heaviness comes and people feel tired, they are not comfortable with their home, and it is because there are bad energies. The ritual of the open scissors under the mattress is effective for this.

In a Relationship, he shares the secret and the way to perform this ritual to cut off bad energies or strange presences that sometimes do not let you sleep.

There are evil energies that are installed in houses and rooms to cause harm to both you and your relatives. If you feel that you need to scare away some evil entity. Pay attention to the ritual of the scissors.

Open scissors under the mattress. Photo: Pixabay

Did you know that just by putting open scissors under the mattress you can stop having nightmares?

This is how you should do the ritual of the open scissors under the mattress.

You have to "cure" them first. How is this? You have to bring the scissors to bless or you sprinkle them with holy water and pray to our Father, this must be done during the day so that it receives the energies of the sun and light beings.

At night you are going to place a glass with holy water under the mattress, make sure that the glass is made of glass. You can put it in the middle or under the place where you sleep.

Next to the glass, you are going to place the open scissors pointing towards the feet. The scissors represent two swords, remember that in ancient times, swords were defenders of good causes and are the ones with which they faced enemies.

Swords are a symbol of victors, guardians and fight. That is why the arcana appear with two swords.