Reading of hope of your guardian angel according to your zodiac sign July 8

Reading of hope of your guardian angel according to your zodiac sign July 8

Your guardian angel has the mission of protecting you and guiding you in your walk on Earth, but you have to learn to listen to him and understand his signs to go on the right path.

You are never left helpless on Earth, you always have the presence of your guardian angel, only very rarely do you manage to perceive him or realize that he was the one who saves you from many dangers, but today , July 08, 2022, prepare to feel its energy and pay attention to its reading of hope that it has for you according to your zodiac sign, open your heart and let it work for the good in your life.

Angelic energy provides calm, conciliation and harmony, so today, July 08, 2022, concentrate on looking for and feeling your guardian angel very close to you, stop thinking that he has abandoned you, it is only you who does not look for him and does not invoke it , on this day listen carefully to the reading of hope that it has for you according to your zodiac sign and find your purpose with its help.

In your life, in your day-to-day life, your winged being is always present when you allow him to act, when you ask for his intervention and leave your problems in his hands, but how do you know that he has listened to you and is helping you in what you need? did you ask? you just have to pay attention to what happens after you beg for his protection, a strange sound, an air, someone who appears to help you, it comes in many ways.

Reading of hope of your guardian angel according to your sign July 8. Photo: Pixabay.

Archangel Samael of ARIES: The special message of your guardian angel recommends you to go for a walk to reflect on what overwhelms you, if on the way you meet a person who inspires you peace and confidence even if you don’t know him, tell him your sorrows, it is your winged being who has sent her to feel some consolation.

Angel Hamabiel of TAURUS: The special message of your guardian angel asks you that before telling people what you think of them, have a little empathy and do it with the right words, do not let your anger hurt others, You must be careful with your comments.

Angel Ambriel of GEMINI: The special message of your guardian angel tells you to pray with great fervor to the king of heaven for all that causes you sadness, pain, resentment, ask him to give you the calm that you need so much and that you being winged gives you that light you want in this moment of darkness you are going through.

Angel Muriel of CANCER: The special message of your guardian angel asks you to do a small ritual that attracts good vibes, place a white tablecloth on a table and in the center the image of your winged being surrounded by white candles, a bouquet of red roses and ask to be present in your life.

Archangel Michael de LEO: The special message from your guardian angel reminds you that there are places much safer than a bank, a bunker, an armored car, and that place is your family, the arms of your mother, the advice of your father, your refuge will always be your home, do not hesitate to look for them and ask them for advice.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO: The special message of your guardian angel asks you not to continue wasting time hating someone, not to use a minute of your time hating your enemies, revenge destroys, but forgiveness is devastating for those who They try to poison your heart

Archangel Samael of LIBRA: The special message from your guardian angel tells you to get his image and place it at the head of your bed, when you go to sleep pray a little and talk to him about your anxieties, you will see that he will help you fall asleep and soon it will enlighten you so you know where to go.

Angel Azrael of SCORPIO : The special message of your guardian angel tells you to remember that you also made mistakes, that you also let yourself be carried away by your pride, but today approach your family, your friends, apologize if you offended and heal those wounds, but recognize your faults.

Angel Zadquiel of SAGITTARIUS: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that you have a lot of stress accumulated on you and you don’t know how to free yourself, for the moment you can only take refuge in prayer and talking with your winged being, occupy the weekend to get closer to God.

Angel Cassiel of CAPRICORN: The special message of your guardian angel only reminds you that it is useless to be kneeling and beating your chest in front of an altar if your heart is full of rancor and in your mind there are negative thoughts that seek to harm others. someone else, reflect and change course.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS: The special message of your guardian angel asks you not to be discouraged, go to the mirror and order fear to go away, do not let yourself fall, you are very strong and your winged being will be with you, filling you with courage. , you are never alone, God is always with you, do not fear.

Angel Azariel of PISCES: The special message of your guardian angel asks you to protect your house from bad vibes and envy, sprinkle holy water in front of the door of your home and put a blessed palm behind the door, do not let in to anyone, do not trust everyone, there are people who will only download their bad energy to your house.