Reasons why walking is the best exercise you can do

Reasons why walking is the best exercise you can do

If you are lazy to go to the gym to exercise, a walk could help you more than you think you will have a great body and above all good health

Exercise is no longer only essential to maintain a figure of 10 and look stunning, but due to the Covid 19 pandemic, part of the habits to maintain good health is to do physical activity , but we also know that sometimes there are not the conditions to go to a gym and in that case what you can do is walk.

Experts agree that one way we can exercise without wearing ourselves out and paying for gym memberships is walking , because it not only helps maintain good health, but also helps with weight loss and clears the mind when we have too much stress.

According to a study from the University of Tennessee, it was discovered that women who walked had less body fat than those who did not walk, in addition there are countless advantages of doing a little walking for exercise, although it is also recommended combine some aerobic activity.

Some of the benefits that walking can bring to your health and physical condition are:

Joint improvement . When you do not do physical activity, the joints are deprived of synovial fluid, which can accelerate their deterioration. Walking for at least half an hour helps your joints not to atrophy and have free maintenance.

Reasons why walking is the best exercise you can do. Photo: Pexels
Reasons why walking is the best exercise you can do. Photo: Pexels

Improve circulation . Which in turn prevents heart disease and lowers blood pressure; According to the University of Colorado at Boulder, women who walked 30 minutes a day reduced their risk of stroke by 20 percent.

Reduces memory loss . In addition to the physical advantages, walking also has benefits for your mental health, such as improving your memory, the University of California, San Francisco, revealed that age-related memory loss was less in those who walked more.

Improves mood. For its part, the California State University in Long Beach, that a good walk during the day, improved people’s mood, since walking releases natural endorphins and frees you from day-to-day stress. Walking has been said.