Remove Dye Stains On The Skin With Soap And Baking Soda

Remove Dye Stains On The Skin With Soap And Baking Soda

Easy home remedy to make with ingredients that you have in your kitchen, removing hair dye stains on the skin is easy with baking soda and liquid soap

One of the torments of all women is to paint their hair and make the skin stained, which is why an easy remedy to do is to combine baking soda and soap to remove dye stains.

There are professional brands on the market that do this job, but if we are looking to save a little, products that we have at home such as baking soda and soap will remove the dye stain quickly.

When we do this at home, even though we take precautions, there is no shortage of drops that fall on the skin, that the hair touches the ear or other areas around the face and even the gloves break and we end up with painted fingers.

Photo: Pixabay

So following these simple steps will help you a lot.

What you will need is the liquid soap you use to wash dishes, two tablespoons of baking soda, and a mixing bowl.
You will place the bicarbonate in the container and you will begin to add the soap little by little, what we want to achieve is a paste that is not liquid.

Now you will take a little and you will rub in the affected area with small circles for a couple of minutes, and you will remove with a towel preferably with warm water or otherwise with tap water.

If after one application it does not disappear completely, repeat the procedure again.

There are people who are more sensitive to others, if by chance you start to feel a little itchy, remove it immediately.

In fact, there are those for whom it works simply by rubbing the liquid soap, it is a matter of assessing the level of stain.
You can apply after this a little cream to soften the area.

In fact, a good tip is that when we are going to paint our hair at home, place burns around the face, ears, neck, that will make sure that if some dye falls, it does not have direct contact with the skin and can be easily removed.