Sarita Costume is released for Halloween

Sarita Costume is released for Halloween

When you thought you had seen it all, they take out Sarita’s costume for halloween

YES! Although it seems like a joke, there is a Sarita costume. After becoming the favorite villain of José José’s fans, various memes were made, but piñatas were also created, banners of hatred towards the youngest daughter of the prince of the song. The latest is that they brought out the new Sarita Halloween costume.

In social networks circulates the package that includes the outfit that Sarita used when she gave the exclusive interview for an American television. She looks well made up, with ironed, black hair.

She also wears a black floral blouse with a black skirt. She who thought she looked sad, the truth is that the message she sent to her father’s followers was callousness, greed and prominence.

Sarita costume for sale. Photo: Special

That sparked hatred among Mexicans, who launched the Sarita piñata for sale, and now that the Halloween dates are approaching, they have released the Sarita Costume, it is said that it is one of the most sold this season.

The costume will be selling as "Halloween Costume; Sarita starter pack". Internet users are beginning to ask where they can buy it and since it is too simple, many are choosing to buy things in parts or have said costume made.

What’s in the package? Supposedly it contains a black ironed-hair wig, a flowered blouse, and a skirt. Among the most famous tags that are circulating in each of the publications both on twitter, instagram and facebook are: #Sarita #SaritaBuitre #SaritaCulera #dondeestajosejose.

Undoubtedly, the attitude that José José’s daughter took when hiding the body and by not giving information to her brothers, has cost her being the villain of this story, even for the tribute, Sarita did not arrive in Mexico, she said that she felt threatened .

Today in the morning the tribute of José José was held, in fine arts, the lines were endless to bid farewell to the great prince of the song.

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