Smoothies And Tea That Help You Lose 5 Kilos Quickly

Smoothies And Tea That Help You Lose 5 Kilos Quickly

If you feel like it’s time to shed 10 pounds quickly, these shakes can help you achieve that goal and look spectacular.

Easter is approaching and suddenly we are worried about what to wear for those days and what better than a healthy body full of life. For this, As a Couple, he recommends the following smoothies with which you will lose 5 kilos quickly.

To start taking these shakes you should know that nothing is magic and that the results you want to obtain will be gradually, this will depend on everything that you can merge with them, for example that during the day you do 20 minutes of exercise every day.

Here are 5 delicious smoothies that will help you lose 5 kilos quickly, get ready to get amazing results.

Smoothies are great for your health. Photo: Unsplash

Pineapple smoothie with parsley

This smoothie will help you to considerably reduce belly fat, the way to prepare it is easy and you can take whatever you like, it is healthy and delicious. In your blender you add a slice of pineapple, a piece of aloe, the juice of half a lemon, half a green apple and a pinch of parsley.

Blend and voila, to take it for a week or two, depending on the results you want to obtain. It should be taken on an empty stomach.

Smoothie with milk on an empty stomach

This smoothie helps you burn fat from your whole body, you need to pour light milk into the blender (the necessary one) 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. You can add a little vanilla (a tablespoon). You should take this smoothie for a week or fifteen days, it should be on an empty stomach.

Recommendation of a tea

This tea helps you lose weight, in addition to deflating your body and expelling the gases caused by fats. Zen leaves tea, you boil the water and add some leaves and some branches of coriander. The tea helps your intestines cleanse and you stay healthy, the first days it will serve as a laxative and then regulates the traffic of your digestive system.

Cucumber and pineapple smoothie

Add a cucumber with skin, pineapple chunks, a stick of celery and orange juice (as necessary) to the blender. This smoothie should be consumed on an empty stomach but also after a light dinner. The time you want to take it is good for your body, it is recommended fifteen days.

Remember that in addition to eating healthy, you should stop consuming sugars, saturated fats, not sodas and of course reduce the consumption of red meat.