So You Can Cleanse Your Karma For 2020

So You Can Cleanse Your Karma For 2020

The beginning of a new year brings with it the negative and positive actions that we carried out in the past, and that if they were not presented previously, they can do so in 2020.

It is always important to take care of the actions that we carry out every day, and more so when it comes to acts that involve other people, sometimes close, sometimes not so much, but they are involved with our way of acting. Taking care to perform these actions helps us to clear our karma in 2020 .

In this year that is ending, it is important to reflect on all our actions towards the closest people who have marked us, both positive and negative, but who are more present in the mind, and start a 2020 full of good vibes.

With this reflection that we all should voluntarily do in these last months of the year, it is necessary that we prepare for 2020 where the energies will be renewed and there will be a new opportunity to charge positive energy.

The actions you do or do not take will have an impact in 2020. Photo: pixabay

Karma is an energy that transcends the universe and space and that is created with the actions, positive or negative, that people do every day. It is always present in the life of each person, as it is a kind of divine justice of the universe.

There are different mental techniques with which karma, for the year 2020, will be cleaned and with this we will have more positive energy throughout the year and in the following.

Write our actions in a journal

A reflection at the end of the day is a moment of meditation on how to act and the energy we had from the moment we got out of bed until we closed our eyes. The silence of the night will help us remember the way we acted with other people who crossed our path during the day.

Writing daily about what we do will make our mind reflect on its actions. And it serves to release negative feelings that will come to light when it is registered; and by reading it we will improve the attitude of the next day.

Keep silence

It is one of the measures that will allow us to avoid negative actions in the future; It may be the most efficient method to clear karma in any year and more so in 2020.

Although sometimes it seems inevitable to us to comment on it and we go into despair, keeping silent or keeping silence will allow us to test our spirit, soul and negative energies that are within each one.

Whenever people cannot keep quiet, for whatever reason, they make hurtful comments to others. Acts that definitely affect our karma and that one day will come to us. That is why it is important to keep silent in order to have good deeds in karma.


For some people, apologizing, or asking for forgiveness, is something extremely difficult that has issues related to pride that they attach themselves to and that do not release for their peace of mind.

It is important to have enough humility, and put aside the pride that does not bring anything good for each person’s karma, to apologize whenever we make a mistake. When we apologize, positive energies and relief of the spirit affect karma in a positive way, if not done this way, it can have consequences during the year 2020.

Always help without expecting anything in return

Good actions have good repercussions, or reactions, whatever you want to call them; the important thing is to always have good deeds. One of the most important for all people is having the ability to help whenever possible.

Sometimes, or always, there are situations in our daily life in which we meet people who are going through difficult personal moments; and sometimes they are not always personal, as they can happen on the street where we pass or the place we frequent every day.

From helping someone who has just fallen in front of you, or a person who needs something more and that you know that you can do it, these are actions that fill our lives with satisfaction and that the universe compensates with clean karma during 2020 .