The Best Time to Have Dinner If You Want To Lose Weight According To Experts

The Best Time to Have Dinner If You Want To Lose Weight According To Experts

The time in which you hydrate, in which you eat breakfast, eat and dinner, influences a lot to obtain the desired benefits in your body, so it would be a good idea to implement these tips, they will surely help you

As with hydration, it is also good to know what time is the most appropriate for dinner, because although you may not believe it, time greatly influences the benefits, and it is a simple fact that you must take into account, that is why Next we will reveal the best time for dinner if you want to lose weight according to the opinion of the experts.

When it comes to implementing a weight loss routine, we tend to give more importance to breakfast and lunch, however, we mistakenly leave dinner in the background, or we only eat a light dinner and with that we believe that we have everything under control, but the time is an important factor to take into account if you want to lose weight.

Carrying out a diet is not synonymous with suffering or punishing yourself too much, and worse still, this is not about starving, although of course, it is not an easy task at first, but little by little you discover that there are many tasty foods and healthy at the same time.

Take into account that the consumption of refined carbohydrates is the worst that we can give the body, especially when it is done in excess, that is why you must always position in your mind that industrial pastries and processed foods must be out of your diet.

Avoid consuming refined carbohydrates. Photo: Pexels

For work reasons or a mere decision, people usually dine at the time they vacate or at the time they want, and this should not be the case, experts believe that the last meal of the day should be taken between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. For what reason?

If you eat dinner at the aforementioned time, digestion will start earlier, and with this you will avoid going to bed with that feeling of heaviness that is very uncomfortable, however, you should also know what you should have for dinner and in what quantity , because everything works as one.

If you don’t eat well for dinner, you’re going to be hungry and you’re not going to rest well, and rest is essential, so think about it before going to bed hungry. "

It is wrong to believe that with a single cookie or a bar you have, since far from losing fat you will increase it, it is better to add protein sources such as chicken, fish, tuna, pork loin, eggs, ricotta cheese, beef and hummus, since while you rest, the body recovers muscle tissue after training.

Do not forget the vegetables, they are essential whether or not you are on a diet, it is what the body will always need to be healthy. Include certain carbohydrates wisely, such as oatmeal, potato, grains, brown rice, and quinoa. And finally the consumption of healthy fats such as avocado, egg yolks, olive oil, seeds and nuts.