The People Who Talk To Themselves Are The Most Successful And Intelligent

The People Who Talk To Themselves Are The Most Successful And Intelligent

Science has shown through various studies that people who speak to themselves are more successful and intelligent, we tell you everything!

Many people think that talking to themselves is something abnormal, that it is bad or that they are already going crazy, but there are studies that show that not only are they not on the verge of insanity, but that they are intelligent people and are almost always the most successful.

At home if they speak to themselves but in the street they do not because they fear that people think they are crazy, but there is something true that they have discovered, that children always speak alone, with themselves or imagine other people and express what they learn , laugh or play.

Human beings gradually abandon this practice as time passes and become adults. It is said that it is very common to see adults speak to themselves and recent studies say that they are intelligent and successful people.

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People who speak to themselves are the most successful and intelligent. Photo: Pixabay

We list the reasons why people who speak to themselves are more intelligent, now you will not stop to talk to yourself because record it at once. You are not crazy !.

If you speak, you only exercise your memory

Great news for you who speak alone! If you do it, you should know that you are helping your brain to better manage memory, it is to contain memories, by repeating a conversation you had with a person or inventing a conversation that you later wish to have. Reaffirm a future dialogue. Your brain records everything.

Your self esteem rises when you speak to yourself

According to the specialists, when you speak alone in front of your mirror and tell yourself that you are the best, this helps you to reinforce your self-esteem, remember that you are an important person, and few are those who start the day enjoying a positive word to themselves. same.

When you need to learn something new

People who need to study and for this they do repetitions aloud alone, their brain is complemented by this action and better captures the main idea of ​​what you are studying.

Makes you make important decisions

By imagining the different scenarios of a problem or situation that you need to solve, you can even answer what the other person could supposedly answer, or simply broaden your vision of what it is about and talk about it with yourself, defining how feasible all that is.

And the best of all is that when you speak to yourself, you realize your own mistakes and learn to correct yourself to be a better person, in life, in professional life.