The Wonderful Benefits Of Lemon Water Duty

The Wonderful Benefits Of Lemon Water Duty

The intake of lemon water provides great virtues to your body such as improving digestion and preventing aging

We are what we eat, so we must pay attention to our diet. Surely you have heard about all the benefits that lemon water gives your body. There are many great virtues that the intake of this drink offers, now from the analysis of a nutritionist.

She is the founder of the Foodtrainers project in New York City, who has not missed the opportunity to emphasize her work in promoting the importance of eliminating the consumption of processed foods and dangerous supplements. When it comes to talking about lemon water, it is important that you look beyond the ideal way to remove the boringness from drinking water, since if it is prepared with the correct portions it is a small habit with wonderful health effects.

Is water

It is its main benefit, it is water and for that simple reason it provides positive health effects. Studies carried out by various health centers specialized in disease control and prevention indicated that 44% of women drink less than 4 cups a day. However, staying hydrated is of the utmost importance and lemon water is the best ally for each organ of our body to function correctly.

Lemon water benefits. Photo: Pexels

Fight constipation

Several specialists recommended its consumption to prevent and combat constipation, since it is a drink that helps regulate intestinal transit and has the purifying power that helps eliminate everything that the body does not need.

Excellent ally to dissolve kidney stones

For all those people who are prone to kidney stones, organic lemon water will be your best friend, thanks to the fact that these extremely painful crystals are formed in the body when substances such as calcium, uric acid and oxolate are concentrated, components of lemon water prevent its formation.

Improves skin

Lemon water is not a miracle for the skin, however it helps a lot to improve its appearance and texture. This is because it provides antioxidants that protects it from the effects of the sun, which helps prevent wrinkles and discoloration. Apart from that it also participates in the synthesis of collagen.

Helps with blood sugar response

Several investigations have shown that lemon water is quite effective in slowing the digestion of starches, in such a way that it mitigates the response of blood sugar, the main responsible for storing excess sugar in the blood. Sure, it’s a great benefit for preventing and fighting diabetes, but it’s also a great way to control blood sugar levels.