Things you shouldn’t do with your friend if you don’t want anything with him

Things you shouldn't do with your friend if you don't want anything with him

If you have no intention of going beyond a friendship, refrain from doing things that can be misunderstood, do not give reasons to believe what you do not

They say out there "Don’t do good things that seem bad", a saying that applies when we go out with a person whom we only see as a friend , if we cross certain limits, without realizing it, we can confuse him and generate other kinds of feelings that you will not reciprocate in the same way.

Surely many have told them that they make a nice couple or that they don’t believe that they are just dating as friends and those things, they can awaken some feelings in him or in you , the complexity of this situation is that we can assure you, only one of you knows is falling in love, while the other prefers to keep the friendship intact.

In any of the cases, whether you are the one who begins to feel butterflies in your stomach, or he is in a more romantic and less friendly plan, there are certain things that are better to avoid ; In Couples, we made a list of those things and we explain to you why it is better to refrain from doing them, generally it is so as not to confuse or hurt each other.

Sleep in the same bed . If the friendship is strong enough to travel together and share a bed or fall asleep after a party in the same place, be careful because both are playing with fire and at some point one of them is going to burn, respect this part a little of your privacy.

Things you shouldn't do with your friend if you don't want anything with him. Photo: Unsplash
Things you shouldn’t do with your friend if you don’t want anything with him. Photo: Unsplash

Tell each other everything, down to the smallest detail. Because sometimes and depending on whether one of the two already has feelings for the other, they can be indiscreet, that is, say that you hooked up with a man the other day at the party or he can talk to you about the women with whom has been and neither of them may like it.

Give advice on everything . Because if someone has feelings for the other, they will not be giving neutral advice, but at their convenience, which implies dishonesty on one of the parties, the relationship of friends is suddenly fragmented, not only because they feel love for that person , but by lying to him, seeking his own benefit.

Pretend they are a couple . Even if it’s because one of the two ran into his ex, it’s not right, remember that between joke and joke, a love can be born, respect that line that is sometimes so thin, between a friendship of a woman with a man, that many assure, it does not exist, what do you think?