This Is Your Love Life When You Still Live With Your Parents

This Is Your Love Life When You Still Live With Your Parents

You are in a stage where you want to go out with someone and know love, but fortunately or unfortunately you still live with your parents, what can you expect in a situation like this?

Trying to live a life by dating and more dates to meet different prospects is not at all a good idea when you are still living with your parents, why? because if you live under the same roof you are condemned to its rules, so first of all you will have to be giving explanations of who you are with, where you are going, what time you return and a long etc, etc.

The story is a little different when you still live with your parents but you are already an adult, so if you have them used to being a mature person, then you will have gained their trust, but if you never made up yourself, even if you are 30 they will always put obstacles in your way. It also depends a lot on the ideology of your parents.

Very independent of how old you are, if you are still under your parents’ roof but you are attached to having a couple of dates, first of all you should be aware that you will not have a clear path, there will be many obstacles that you will have to overcome, and here we will tell you which ones.

Rules to respect: Even as an adult, if you are going to go out with someone you have to say everything, with whom you are going to go out, what is his name, how old is he, where he studies, how did you meet him, what time they return, etc. It is even likely that they will ask for your phone number to dial in case you do not answer them, and as if that were not enough, you will be conditioned to respect a time to return.

If you are still a family child, you have to respect the rules of your house. Photo: Pexels

Adventures at home: Bringing men to your parents’ house is not exactly the most respectful thing in the world, that is, it is not a motel, what lack of respect is that? You can’t invite him to sleep or lock yourself in your room with him, why? because it is evident that whatever has to happen is going to happen, and risk being listened to or opened the door and they see you. What a shame!

Exposed privacy: Everything related to dating, love, heartbreak, lovers, and others, will be compulsorily exposed, and with good reason, you are in someone else’s house, it is not yours and you cannot do what you want, so if they ask you That you give them explanations about what you are doing you have to do it, it is the price to pay for being still dependent.

They will discover all your attempts at love: Regardless of whether things are going well or badly or that you even just want to treat him, first you will have to invite him to your house so that your parents can meet him, and it makes sense since it is normal for them to worry about knowing What kind of man are you relating to? As it may well be someone your age, it may also be someone much bigger than you and with bad intentions.

Conditional time: Wanting to have a date while you live with your parents is having to adjust to the schedules that they indicate, and above all respect them so as not to have problems and to be punished, and this is a really bad point because when you are With him, time flies by and you don’t want to go back, but whether you like it or not, they are orders that have to be followed.