Those who fall in love faster are men, women more times

Those who fall in love faster are men, women more times

A scientific study revealed great differences between men and women when falling in love and breaking up with a couple

A study found that men fall in love faster than women, while women fall in love more times than men.

Although each person has a different way of falling in love and sets their terms so that someone else can enter their heart, men and women fall in love with different frequencies, according to a study from the University of Michigan.

Several factors make men fall in love in a very short period of time, while women can fall in love many more times than men.

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Men and women go through a different process of falling in love and breaking up. Photo: Freepik

Both genders tend to behave differently when they fall in love. Men and women decide very differently when they want to give their heart to whom and how they do it.

Wayne State University in Michigan , United States found that men fall in love faster than women, but that they do it on many more occasions. This conclusion came after analyzing 932 participants of both genders. The results were contrasted.

While women fall in love more times, men fall in love more times. In addition, women take much longer to recover after a breakup with a man who made them laugh constantly while men experience greater sexual frustration when they end a relationship.

In other words, the results of the study show that men go through a much more complicated process when they end a relationship while women tend to be the ones who have more initiative to end. In men there is a greater amount of sadness and despair when the relationship ends in contrast to women who feel greater happiness.

Although it is true that men tend to behave as if nothing happens after a relationship, the reality is totally different. Like when they are in a breakup and in the process of falling in love, both men and women handle emotions differently.

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