Tips For Choosing Your Friendships Well According To Aristotle

Tips For Choosing Your Friendships Well According To Aristotle

The issue of friendships is fundamental in the lives of all human beings, and knowing how to choose them is well worth it, because just as many are only temporary, others are for life and they are the ones that are really worth it.

If we have learned something from current times, it is that in addition to taking care of our health, we must also take care of our friends and the people around us, since today more than ever we had to be empathetic with the other, for their good, for the ours and for the good of all, but how do we choose our friends correctly?

The fact of finding a person and making a friendship is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful sensations, since as they may well be fleeting, there are others that are for life, and it is nice to have someone in the good and bad, that is why we must be more attentive with respect to the links we create.

Commonly, people can make mistakes with respect to people they are just meeting, since they usually gain trust quickly and we begin to tell secrets, give information without limits and much more, but unfortunately, not all of them are loyal. , so this is a very important aspect to consider.

Aristotle, on the other hand, was one of the most recognized philosophers and scientists of Ancient Greece, he is even considered together with Plato as the father of Western philosophy, but in addition, he theoretically addressed the mechanisms of socialization that are linked to friendship.

For Aristotle, there are three types of friendship, for interest, for pleasure and the perfect friendship, the latter is the one that is born from the value we give to the virtues of the other, and it is this kind of friendship that usually lasts forever. , because many things are shared in common and they reach a point of complicity that makes them very close.

Recently, a group of German psychologists decided to extrapolate Aristotle’s theories about friendship, and found that instead of three, there are four types of friendship that exist, for example, demanding friendship, these are those that from the Adult life they no longer made friends, they simply kept the ones they already had.

There is also independent friendship, that is, they are those who settle for a small group for friendly purposes without the need to make them close, or lasting. On the other hand, there is the ‘selectively acquisitive’ friendship, which is characterized by being committed people who like to make friends throughout their lives.

And finally there is the "unconditionally acquisitive" friendship, which lacks emotional ties; This, according to the researchers, is the most common, since everything ends up being a cluster of people with whom we have a good relationship without the need to create something much deeper.

Once this friendship classification is known, we can act accordingly, and thus it is easier to strengthen ties because you already know what it is that binds you to that person; So as you can see, the wonderful thing about friendships is that they arise intentionally and that little by little they mature and can adapt reciprocally.