Top 5 Things Women Notice About Men

Top 5 Things Women Notice About Men

All women are specialists in capturing even the smallest detail of men, but curiously they themselves do not even notice it, so it is important that you take them into consideration in order to link.

It’s funny how things work, but men are not even able to observe certain details of themselves, details that, although they can be considered as something positive, can also generate a negative aspect in most of the girls.

In today’s article we will discover some of the most common things that women notice about men and that you have not even realized, so if you want to make a good impression, you must be more than attentive, because you need precisely that, awareness.

Why am I not lucky in love, why doesn’t anyone fight me, is there something wrong with me? They are one of the most frequently asked questions when you lack success with girls, but if something like this is happening to you, then rest assured that there is indeed something that you are doing wrong, but that is over.

Body language: A man who from a distance shows that he is anti-social, shy, lacking in confidence, etc. It will have a resounding ‘No’ for all the girls, nobody, but absolutely nobody wants boys like that, you should look for the opposite effect, show yourself friendly, sociable, good vibes and sure of yourself, try it and you will see that you will most likely get good results.

Smile more often, it’s free. Photo: Pexels

Take care of your smile: Any man who shows that he can be sympathetic and empathetic with others, will immediately be able to click with the girls, since that generates confidence, good vibes and well-being, so try it, smile more often, and if you know that you teeth need a little maintenance, what are you waiting for? Go to the specialist and give yourself a cat’s hand, smiling is essential and will make you feel better emotionally speaking.

Good aroma: Personal care is essential, you should always try to be clean and smelly since that will cause practically any girl to turn to look at you and pay more attention, but if you smell bad and she liked you, she will no longer perceive you in the same way, because you will have killed his passion.

A good pair of shoes: Although men never give the color of the shoes that a woman wears, they always pay attention to this detail, that is why the first thing you should do is not necessarily buy new shoes, but rather keep them clean, and above all that they are your style, since through this they will judge and perceive you.

Your behavior: Every time you treat the waiter, the bartender and the rest of the people badly, she will know perfectly well that you are not the ideal man, because it is a behavior that sooner or later you will also have with her, and of course not He will allow it, even if you are handsome and super neat, with your behavior you can spoil everything.