What happens in children when we explode and they hear us say rude things

What happens in children when we explode and they hear us say rude things

If you are one of the parents who completely ignores the presence of their children and lets off steam by throwing profanity at its best, you have no idea the great damage you are causing them.

It is common at home that both parents and grandparents or uncles do not take care of their temperament at all in the presence of children, they completely ignore them and exploit at will without caring that rudeness reaches their ears, and even more important to your heart .

Although shouting and cursing left and right can help us feel more liberated, we must know that as adults we must be more responsible with what we say and do, because the little ones are always the ones who suffer the most, and It’s not their fault that you don’t know how to control yourself.

Remember something very important, children do not learn so much by preaching, but by imitation, since their parents are the main role models. At one year, they are already able to understand simple sentences and relate words to objects, therefore, you have to take care of them and not underestimate them. Below we explain what happens in children when we explode and they hear us say profanity .

What happens in children when they hear us say rude things. Photo: Pixabay
What happens in children when they hear us say rude things. Photo: Pixabay

First of all, we must understand that it is not worth judging anyone, because being parents is something that we learn as we go through life, and no one is perfect; but despite this, we are adults, and as such we must acquire that responsibility that touches us, so that if you do not take care of saying rude things in front of children, what you will be causing is sadness, fear and mistrust in their lives .

Also take into consideration that if such violent verbal language is frequent, then you are going to cause a very notorious detachment that will later weigh you down; you also generate insecurity in them, especially in the little ones, and this will always manifest itself by having constant doubts about what they want, and in the worst case, they will believe that they deserve to be treated like this, with insults and inappropriate behavior, and this they will transfer it to their future relationships, also affecting their school performance.

Saying rudeness causes internal conflicts in children, especially low self-esteem, because if they do not feel loved, valued or respected, they will grow up insecure and distrustful; but that’s not all, because there is also what they hear from television, school, the street and electronic devices.

And it is true, we cannot control everything that happens in their lives, but that is why it is very necessary to have a respectful conversation with them at home where they are explained what the meaning of some bad words is and why they should not use it. be said; also remember that with love everything is possible, so give it more effort in your relationship with your children, it’s worth it.