What It Means To Fight For The Relationship

What It Means To Fight For The Relationship

The phrase has been confused by many people.

One of the phrases that are heard ad nauseam everywhere where lovers are seen, is the one that refers to fighting for the relationship . Although few understand what it is about.

Fighting for the relationship even confuses the lovers themselves. That is why the meaning of this famous phrase must be clear.

Relationships are more than just showing feelings through social networks. It goes beyond holding hands and hugs and kisses. At least that’s supposed to. To maintain that magic it is necessary to fight for the relationship. Something extremely important but whose meaning is too confused.

Couples have confused the meaning. Photo: Freepik

Perhaps it is one of the phrases most listened to and at the same time parodied by thousands of people. When it comes to fighting for the relationship you can think of many things. But the meaning should not be confused.

Fighting for the relationship is not enduring mistreatment from the partner or enduring all adversity caused by that person who loves you according to. Many times, although it is heard too brief, struggles for the relationship are confused with enduring any type of suffering. When it is clearly not so.

Fighting for the relationship means always having the other person in mind in each plan, but first of all being present yourself so that you can be at your best with that loved one. Fighting for the relationship also means knowing when to resist external adversities that life puts such as individual economic or emotional situations, as long as they are not caused by that person who claims to love you.

When you fight, as they say, you create a sense of resistance in the face of adversities that may arise throughout the relationship, but it does not mean that you are adversities caused by that same person who claims to love you.

Undoubtedly the meaning of this phrase is one of the most confused and must be very present in each relationship to know the direction that will be taken.

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