What Should A Person With Hypothyroidism Or Thyroid Eat?

What Should A Person With Hypothyroidism Or Thyroid Eat?

Hypothyroidism causes you fatigue, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin and you can gain weight unexpectedly, so you should know what foods you should eat

What should a person with hypothyroidism eat, recommended foods? The first thing you should know is that hypothyroidism causes you fatigue, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin and you can gain weight unexpectedly, so you should know what foods you should have for breakfast, lunch and dinner .

Hypothyroidism is a condition when the thyroid hormone deficiency from hypothyroidism affects heart rate, body temperature, and all aspects of metabolism, but there are some foods that can improve this condition.

These are the best foods to combat hypothyroidism , the first is to eat foods low in calories and rich in nutrients, for example rich in omega 3 such as walnuts.

Vitamin B12 , you can find it in cereals and meats, fish and chicken, seaweed, yeast and vitamin B12 supplements, this helps you keep your brain in shape. Vitamin B9 can be found in cauliflower, asparagus, avocado, which helps you keep your energy high.

What should a person with hypothyroidism eat, recommended foods

But just as there are foods that are good for improving hypothyroidism, there are others that you should avoid eating, such as capsu, products that have gluten such as bread and pasta.

You must remember that the medicine should be taken when you get up and leave 30 minutes to achieve good absorption, it is advisable to leave water near your bedroom with the medicine so you never forget it.

Your doctor should give you some type of multivitamin, do not make the decision alone because it can be counterproductive, since some vitamins or components can throw your thyroid out of control when you take the medicine.

Signs and symptoms that you have hypothyroidism

Fatigue or tiredness : The effects affect the whole body and feeling sleepy all the time is a sign that you may have hypothyroidism.

Weight gain : When you did not change your diet and began to gain weight, maybe something is wrong with your metabolism or you could have alterations in your hormones.

Cold intolerance : Your body is intolerant to cold, you can’t stand winter, so if you do experience it, it could be an important piece of information that you should analyze.

Hair loss : The follicles are sensitive and your low levels of the hormone favor it to fall more and it is a symptom that is frequently associated, also dry skin is related.

Lack of mood and depression : As your energy decreases, your mood may not be the best, which could make people close to you despair, some stages of anxiety could occur.