Why Celso Piña Was Called The Accordion Rebel

Why Celso Piña Was Called The Accordion Rebel

There are many details that many do not know about Celso Piña. In a Relationship he shares several of them with you, starting with why they call him "The rebel of the accordion"

Celso Pïña received his first accordion in 198 0, his father gave it to him, it was not a new accordion, it was patched up by his father and it was there that the legendary Celso Piña started on the right foot in the world of music in the genre of the cumbia.

Why do they call him "The Rebel of the Accordion"? Legend has it, told by himself in various interviews that one day he was about to go on stage, it was a concert that his brothers were giving at a festival in Monterrey. It was 1953.

The music they were playing was the Mexican northern cumbia, however Celso did not like something , it was precisely that everything was under the same rhythm, so it was that he told the organizer that those songs were repeating themselves.

Celso Pïña "The rebel of the accordion". Photo: Reformation.

So when it was Celso Pïña’s turn to sing, the organizer sent him a list of songs, so that he would not go out of line, however Celso Piña’s rebellion was present.

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He immediately grabbed the paper from the song list and made it into balls, not satisfied with that he hit it on his forehead, because he was not willing to be a soldier who only followed orders, and less in music where he liked experiment with gender fusion.

Just because of this action, the organizer stared at him and said: "So you’re a rebel" to which Celso Piña replied: "But the accordion."

It was then that that creator Celso Piña was born, he was encouraged to mix with tropical, electronic rhythms, Hip Hop, and not only that, the artist from Monterrey even got electric guitar. At first no one trusted him, but as time went by, he managed to position himself as the exponent of the revolutionary northern cumbia with his mixes.

He made Gabriel García Márquez dance, something that no one had achieved with his tropical sound music with tropical tones such as cumbia, sonidero and vallenato.

Among the most popular songs by Celso Pïña were: Even if it is not with me, cumbia sobre el rio, cumbia poder, cumbia sampuesana, and the paths of life.

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