Your partner must be from your same team and not your opponent

Your partner must be from your same team and not your opponent

Your partner should be your greatest support, someone who believes in you and supports you, but not your opponent who wants to see you fall at all times.

Choose very well the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life, because a love relationship goes beyond kisses and hugs, your partner must be someone with goals, with purposes, who also admires you and wants to see you succeed. It must be from your same team and fight together, it must not be your opponent who sees you as the rival to beat to stand out alone.

Don’t let love blind you, realize the kind of person you want to let into your life, what they give you, what they offer you, if they really want to take you by the hand and move forward together or just use you for their purposes, your partner must be from your same team and not your opponent, not someone who tells you that you cannot meet your goals, that this is too much for you.

In a couple relationship, neither of the two should feel above the other or believe they own one’s life, because then they will want to manage it as they please and that cannot be allowed, in a romance both must be willing to team up, to be accomplices and together go after those goals that you want to achieve, because otherwise they will not work and everything between you will end without a happy ending.

love couple
Your partner must be from your same team and not your opponent. Photo: Pexels.

Fall in love with someone who does not see you as their own competition, that rival to beat to stand out in the relationship, because it happens that there are couples who do not like that the person who is by their side shines more than him or her, and They seek to turn them off at all costs, because they want to be the only ones who rule in romance and to be told what they have and what they don’t have to do.

If your partner knows your dreams and does not support you, on the contrary, he tells you that you will not be able to fulfill them, that you dream too high, that you do not have the capacity to conquer those desires, you must get out of there, because he is only cutting your wings instead of taking flight with you, of pushing you, you don’t have to submit to what he believes and his words that make you feel like a zero to the left.

When your partner makes you feel less, that you are worthless, humiliates you, makes you feel that you are not good for anything and demerits what you do, that person does not deserve you and does not love you either, because whoever seriously adores you shows you their support . unconditional, he gives you advice, encourages you, proposes ideas, tells you that you can do everything you set out to do and he will be there to see you succeed.

Your partner should team up with you, be there giving you encouragement, being part of the process of fulfilling your dreams and if you fail, be there consoling you and helping you get up again, but they should never be your opponent, the one who wants to see you stumble to tell you " I told you so" or filling your path with stones so that you don’t advance, take a good look at who you choose as your life partner.