Zodiac Women Who Wish To Send Their Couples

Zodiac Women Who Wish To Send Their Couples

They are sure that the harmony and happiness of the relationship will be possible only if what they say is done.

Some women always want to be in control of the relationship, believing that failure is inevitable otherwise. They are the ones who make the most important decisions, they tell the loved one what to do and their wishes become orders.

They are characterized by having a strong character and above all being persistent, since they never give up when they want to get everything they want. It should be noted that they do not do it meanly, but because they simply believe that it is the best way to preserve harmony in the relationship. For this reason you must know which are the women of the zodiac who want to send their partners.


Girls born under this sign have well-defined values ​​and nothing and no one makes them change. They are usually faithful to them. They are distinguished by having perseverance and above all never giving up, that is why they achieve each of their dreams.

Apart from being noble and supportive, they are tender with the partner and try to do what they consider "correct" all the time, however having all these rules makes her always fight for her partner to do exactly what she says or wants, something that like everything that is proposed, it achieves.

Zodiac women who want to command their partners. Photo: Pexels


Capricorn women rarely say what they feel, but not what they want. Being leaders by nature, they want to do what they suggest or consider best at all times. When they are in a relationship they are quite dedicated and seek to please their partner all the time.

In fact, they also use manipulation to make their partner agree to all their desires, the best of the case is that the other person does not realize it, but is doing everything that she wants. Without a doubt, these women know how to handle the mind of the loved one.


They are always in search of perfection, and they think that to reach it you have to do what comes out of your mind. Apart from the fact that they are quite critical and demanding both with themselves and with all the people around them, especially the most important in their life, such as their partner.

Other than that, they are bold, smart, flirtatious, and passionate. They are very dreamy and always strive to achieve their dreams. Among some of their characteristics it is also found that they handle the art of manipulation to perfection, that is why they always achieve their will.


Girls born under this sign have an overwhelming personality, since they have more than one face. Although they tend to be negative on some occasions and introverts, they are extremely loyal, faithful and sincere. They always achieve everything they set out for that is why they keep their partners in their hands.