Home Remedies For Dirty And Oily Hair

Home Remedies For Dirty And Oily Hair

If your hair feels dirty and greasy, forget about it with these home remedies, they will be your allies to show off healthy hair.

If you do not feel safe to show off your hair because there is a problem, worry no more, with these home remedies for greasy and dirty hair , you will no longer have a problem with always wearing it loose.

With these home remedies for greasy and dirty hair , that problem will be resolved and you will no longer have to hide your long hair for this, just get the ingredients and follow the steps of its preparation.

No girl likes that excess oil production is generated in her hair, as it is not aesthetic, but to prevent this from happening, put these home remedies for greasy and dirty hair into practice .

Home remedies for oily hair
These home remedies will help you with greasy and dirty hair. Photo: Freepik.

The sebaceous glands are necessary for the hair, so it stays hydrated, but in excess they are quite unsightly, since they cause the problem of grease, dandruff or having a dirty appearance.

Greasy and dirty hair, in many cases it is a matter of genetics, it can also be due to the fact that the products to wash it are not adequate, but with these home remedies, say goodbye to the problem.

Egg white with lemon juice


Two egg whites

Juice of half a lemon


Mix the two egg whites and the juice of half a lemon, beat.


Separate your hair into several strands and moisten with the mixture of egg whites that you made and let it act for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water, perform this procedure three times a week.

Aloe Vera with orange essence oil


Six tablespoons of aloe vera gel

One tablespoon of orange essence oil


Mix the two ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste, you can beat it in the blender.


Wet your hair and then apply the mixture from root to tip, tangle your hair with a shower cap, leaving it to act for 30 minutes, then rinse, do this three times a week.

Natural yogurt with chamomile oil


Six tablespoons of plain yogurt

Four tablespoons of chamomile oil


Mix the six tablespoons of yogurt with the chamomile oil. until a homogeneous mixture is achieved.


Wet your hair and then apply the mixture to the roots, leave it to act for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water, do this three times a week so you can notice the results.

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