Love Message From Your Guardian Angel Today October 23

Love Message From Your Guardian Angel Today October 23

Decipher the letter that the celestial beings have for each sign of the zodiac this Friday, they seek to help you improve through your faith.

Those celestial beings who have always been there to protect and guide you have a mission with you, listen to the message of love from your guardian angel today, October 23, you will have to be attentive to each of their signals.

The divine things that are presented in your life are various, but you must be full of faith and trust in God to be able to perceive them, concentrate and reflect on the message of love from your guardian angel today, Friday, October 23.

Open your mind and heart to prayer, seek your emotional stability and elevate your spirituality, put everything good in your thoughts, put your trust in your guardian angel and you will see that everything begins to flow for your benefit, be more positive.

You can see: Today’s horoscope: Signs with a weekend of luck in love.

Message of love from your guardian angel today, October 23. Photo: Pixabay.

Archangel Samael of ARIES

The special message of your guardian angel: If you do not like that person, do not wish him ill, remember that everything comes back, just walk away and try not to live with her, avoid problems and take the party in peace, no let yourself be carried away by your impulses.

Angel Hamabiel from TAURUS

The special message of your guardian angel: Stop superstitions and just trust your faith, many times you get ideas that have nothing to do with reality and that affect you, just try to keep your mind positive.

Angel Ambriel from GEMINI

The special message of your guardian angel: Find that prayer that suits your needs and do it at night before going to sleep, that will bring a little peace to your life. Do not start the day without giving thanks for a new dawn.

Angel Muriel from CANCER

The special message of your guardian angel: You need to connect with your interior, elevate your spirituality, for that, find a quiet place inside the house, place candles and an altar, relax, you can put a little incense.

Archangel Michael from LEO

The special message of your guardian angel: Go to a place where you can breathe fresh air and be in contact with nature, once there, scream, take out all that complexes and worries you, free yourself.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO

The special message of your guardian angel: Your prayers will be heard, do not lose heart and even less hope, your archangel Raphael will never abandon you, hold on to him, light a red and a white candle.

Archangel Samael of LIBRA

The special message of your guardian angel: Always believe in yourself, even if others do not, whoever attacks you will do it alone and God will be on your side, so there is nothing to fear, remain at peace with yourself and with those of your environment.

Angel Azrael from SCORPIO

Your Guardian Angel’s Special Message: Don’t take sides in a family argument or problem, try to be analytical and know what is best for everyone. There are those who are in need of your help, so don’t deny your hand.

Angel Zadquiel from SAGITTARIUS

The special message of your guardian angel: Take refuge in prayer in difficult moments, you will see that this will give you a lot of strength to move forward, do not despair. Your family members are the greatest support in difficult times.

Angel Cassiel from CAPRICORN

The special message of your guardian angel: If you feel bad energy in your house, it is best to find a priest to bless it and pour a little holy water, that way, you will remove all the negative from your family and from that place.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS

The special message of your guardian angel: Envy will never be absent, but it depends on you if it affects you or not, take the things of those who come and do not get involved so much with those matters, just clear your mind and move on.

Angel Azariel from PISCES

The special message of your guardian angel: People who love you will stay by your side in difficult moments, remember that there are no false friends, only false friends who pretended to be friends, remove them from your life immediately.