Phrases you should stop saying to yourself to be happy

Phrases you should stop saying to yourself to be happy

Stop demanding success, trying to control what is out of your control because you will only get frustrated and stressed

Sometimes our worst judge is ourselves and we demand things of ourselves that in most cases we cannot achieve. We want to be successful, happy, millionaires, have everything under control and stand out all the time. Something that leads to stress and anxiety.

That is why you must know the phrases that you must stop saying to yourself to be happy . Remember that the messages you send to yourself have a lot to do with what you see on social networks every day, that happiness depends on how successful, glamorous, sociable and friendly you are.

And you forget that people usually share or project the few moments of happiness and not their problems, frustrations or complexes.

Phrases that you must stop saying to yourself to be happy. Photo: Pexels
Phrases that you must stop saying to yourself to be happy. Photo: Pexels

I have to be loved by everyone always

As explained by Kathleen Smith, many wrong behaviors and self-defeating thoughts are born from the idea that everyone must accept us and therefore we get frustrated if we feel that we do not achieve it.

Remember that you can be kind to the people around you, but without having to conform to what they supposedly expect of you.

I have to be super successful in everything I do

This thought generates fear and anxiety. You can even postpone your own projects because you have too high expectations. Remember that even successful people have failed once in a lifetime and many times.

Do not go for perfectionism and better think about what your qualities, potentials and limitations are. Accept that not everything will work out for you the first time.

I have to be angry about everything I can’t change

Stop worrying about issues that do not depend exclusively on you. Apart from everyday problems, we often worry about pollution, poverty, insecurity and terrorism.

In case you lower your guard before the news, fear will take over you and you will not be able to give up in time. You need to stop obsessing over all of your problems that you can’t fix.

I have to avoid all conflicts

You must express everything that bothers you, sometimes you tend to avoid it so as not to have problems with friends, partners or co-workers. Remember that conflicts are part of your life and it is very important to approach them with maturity. Otherwise the stress associated with poor communication will cause more problems.

I have to control everything

It is impossible for you to have control of all situations, since if you want to achieve it, you will most likely get frustrated. The key is to analyze which are the factors that depend on you and those that do, in this way you can focus on the ones that you can change.