Reading of the guardian angels according to your sign July 6, 2022

Reading of the guardian angels according to your sign July 6, 2022

We share the special messages of your guardian angel for today July 6, 2022

The messages of the guardian angels for today July 6, 2022. A great opportunity to get closer to your spiritual state, raise that positive energy that maintains your soul, your body. Let the guardian angels guide you in your walk through this earthly life.

Archangel Samael of ARIES: The special message from your guardian angel indicates that it is time to solve those problems that you have been dragging for a long time, do not give the matter any more thought and trust that you already have to close cycles.

Angel Hamabiel of TAURUS: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that it is time to recognize that if you have made a mistake, but that you can change things, give it another direction. Life surprises you day by day, let it hug you and give you good things in your day to day life.

Reading of the guardian angels according to your sign July 6, 2022. Photo: Pixabay
Reading of the guardian angels according to your sign July 6, 2022. Photo: Pixabay

Angel Ambriel of GEMINI: The special message from your guardian angel asks you to take care of that neck pain, to remember that your body speaks to you when something is not going well. Be more aware of what you do and say again, this will avoid many problems.

Angel Muriel of CANCER: The special message from your guardian angel asks you not to stop working, that there is always a great reward at the end of every effort. More infections are coming in the family, take care of your health and be more aware of health.

Archangel Michael of LEO: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that there is a person who takes care of you from heaven, that you must learn to live with passion, that you always have the opportunity to start over in your life. Leave the vices behind.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO : The special message from your guardian angel tells you that it is time for you to light a blue candle and ask for the exact amount of money you need at this time in your life. You need a hug, but from someone who loves you without restriction.

Archangel Samael of LIBRA: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that some difficult situations are coming in your love life, it is likely that there will be a separation, do not worry about what they will say, your mental and emotional health comes first.

Angel Azrael of SCORPIO: The special message of your guardian angel asks you not because things do not go as you want means that you are out of luck, on the contrary, you are in such good luck that God is avoiding you really big problems, like this that at all times thanks.

Angel Zadquiel of SAGITTARIUS: The special message of your guardian angel reminds you that prayer is powerful, that you do not give up, that you make a beautiful prayer with special requests and clarify to your spiritual guide what you need in your life. Ask and you will receive.

Angel Cassiel of CAPRICORN: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that the economic state in which you find yourself is not the most ideal, but you have a great advantage, good abundance will come to you. Make way for what is coming that will give you the reward of your life.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS: The special message of your guardian angel tells you never to feel superior to the people around you, always maintain your humility. There is an unexpected change at home, you may have to go out of town.

Angel Azariel of PISCES: The special message from your guardian angel tells you to look for those people from whom you walked away, to return to that pending love that you left behind due to a misunderstanding. The real relationship is on the way, love will knock on your door.