Signs That This Man Is Nice But Doesn’t Want Anything With You

Signs That This Man Is Nice But Doesn't Want Anything With You

It’s okay to fall in love, but don’t let your love for him keep you from seeing the signs that say he doesn’t love you, he’s only kind to you

When a woman falls in love, she usually experiences a hurricane of emotions and illusions, she immediately begins to make short, medium and long-term plans, and it usually happens just when that man says: "Hello, good morning." Be careful that this man is not in love with you.

And if they went out for a few days as friends, she waits for the longed-for moment when he kisses her, or embraces her and in a romantic scene declares his love for her, but that will never happen, and no matter how cruel it sounds, it is the truth, he He is only kind, but he does not love you as you want,

There are signs that tell you that he will never take that second step you want, take note and remember: "You don’t deserve to waste time with a person who sees you as a friend." He just wants fun for a little bit but not a formal relationship.

Signs that this man is nice but doesn’t want anything with you. Photo: Pixabay

Be careful with what you are going to read because it could be too strong, the truth about guys who only want a woman to have fun, but without hiding anything or their intentions, in reality the one who builds castles in the air is she who is in love and he believes that he can change everything.

They go out, but it’s only fun: The man says he has a good time with you, but he makes you see that it is only because of the friendship they have and because you have been acting complacent, you think that from one moment to another he will realize that you see him With loving eyes, but in reality that will never happen.

He always presents you as a good friend: There is appreciation, but only that, it is not love like the one you have for him. And when he introduces you to friends and family just as a friend. That is a clear sign that he has no intention of having you as a girlfriend.

It is you who always invite him: They go out to dance, eat, to the movies, but it is never his initiative, what happens here is that he is only being nice to you. And that’s not counting that he has canceled you several times.

He doesn’t want a courtship because he loves being single: He actually enjoys dating you, but just as he does with you, he dates ten more that means he just enjoys the moment, but does not want to lose his singleness.

You call him but he does not answer: He understands that his world does not revolve around you, he is in another world, he can only have you as a nice option, but nothing else will happen. When you call him he does not answer you, or he leaves you messages in sight, but he calls you and you are the happiest woman in the world.