What to do when love is fading

What to do when love is fading

Love ends when it is not shown, when it is not expressed, when it is not respected, when it is not communicated, when it is not valued, when it is not accompanied and when it is simply not loved.

Love is the force that moves the world, it is what men and women normally want; however, it is what is most lacking, right? The indifference. The love we receive corresponds perfectly to the amount of love that we first give, and that is what makes life meaningful.

But what happens when for more love and interest that we give there is no reciprocal feeling with our partner? If lately you feel that that smile that you evoked for your partner has now also been erased because of him, it is time to analyze and think of a solution.

Although the man was born to live with the woman and vice versa, to date we still do not understand each other completely, every day we have to discover new ways of living and connecting. When we have been together for a long time, it is necessary to understand each other better, but the nature of each one of us is different; It is said that love means tolerance and good will, therefore, if you want to stay with someone you must be tolerant and have good will.

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We are so different people that all we need is to analyze each other in order to understand each other and be able to negotiate our differences and live in peace and harmony. Loving a person is not enough, loving and conquering is a daily task, it is not enough to say "you know that I love you" prove it; to love is also to trust, admire, respect and support, but as a team.

Women are like keys: nobody steals them, you lose them by donkey: Photo: Pixabay

It is not easy, it requires a lot of practice, but above all a lot of care. So the more we get to know the differences between men and women, the more we can negotiate to live together and in harmony. Men say: we cannot live with them but neither without them! It’s true! We need them, they need us and the healthiest thing we can do is get along.

It is also important that during a lawsuit we learn to calm down and use dialogue; As a complement that we are, we must function in sync, although naturally it costs us work due to the different way our brains function, the woman may be cooking and at the same time attending to her children with homework, feeding her husband, answering a call and answer the visitor who has just arrived at your home.

The man, on the other hand, if he is cooking and a visitor arrives, prefers to turn off the stove so that he can concentrate on finding out who arrived. The man cannot be like the woman and the woman cannot be like the man, simply and simply we complement each other because alone each one by his side we are a disaster; So let’s avoid saying: "You have to do this because if I can, you can too" No! Let’s understand that we are different, and let’s learn to give ourselves moral and spiritual support.

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