When is Father’s Day and what can you give him as a gift?

When is Father's Day and what can you give him as a gift?

Father’s Day is also an important date and it comes from Catholic countries to strengthen paternal ties and to thank for all the effort they make every day to keep the family together.

Although it is one of the celebrations that should be just as important as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day still raises doubts about the date on which it is celebrated. This is the day to celebrate parents and what can be gifted to them.

Giving something to a parent is even more complicated than to anyone else. Tastes are very varied and with the purpose of Father’s Day it is necessary to know when it is celebrated and what can be given to them.

The gifts that can be given to parents to celebrate them as every year are something simple, but for that it is necessary to know when Father’s Day is celebrated.

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Father’s Day is one of the most important celebrations. Photo: Freepik

The origins of Father’s Day date back to the last century, specifically to the year 1909. In that year the daughter of a war veteran named Sonora Smart Dodd, began the initiative to honor her father after taking care of her and her siblings. throughout their lives as Henry Jackson Smart, their father, was the one who raised them after their mother gave birth to their sixth child.

Sonora had this initiative to officially honor all parents for the love and care they give their children. The celebration was accepted although the dates changed according to the various customs of different countries. It was originally set on June 19, Henry Jackson’s birthday, but the dates vary.

When is Father’s Day and what can you give him as a gift?

In Mexico, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June, which this year will be June 21, 2020. Although the celebration is a little less commemorated than Mother’s Day, it is still one of the dates. more important for all those men who, with the character they have, form their children in manners and thoughts.

The gifts that cannot be absent on this day for parents are always the clothes of their taste, something related to their hobbies such as sports and even their favorite food.

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