3 ways to get rid of violin spiders in your house

3 ways to get rid of violin spiders in your house

With these three simple tricks you will drive away violinist spiders from your home and avoid putting the lives of your loved ones at risk

One of the most dangerous spiders are the violinists , since if they bite you it can cost you your life. That is why you must know how to get them away from your home.

With the arrival of the rains and the growth of weeds, the appearance of the violinist spider increases. An arachnid more lethal than the black widow, but not as easy to recognize and much less to drive away from home. So it is very important to know a couple of tricks to avoid it.

Fiddler spiders belong to the Loxosceles family , of which there are about 140 species. Among the best known is the loxosceles reclusa (stop spider) which is found in the south and west of the United States, according to the University of Kentucky , and the Loxosceles leata (corner spider) known as the Chilean recluse.

In the event that you come across a fiddler spider, and you didn’t have the time to chase it away, but rather a confrontation occurred, Stanford Children’s Health suggests doing the following:

  • Clean the area with soap and water
  • Apply a cold or ice pack and wrap a cloth
  • Elevate the bite site if it is an arm or leg
  • Seek medical attention immediately

Now how to get rid of spiders at home?

homemade insecticide for spiders

  • 10 to 15 drops of essence of orange and lemon
  • ½ liter or two cups of water
  • ½ tablespoon of liquid soap

How to prepare it

In a bowl mix all the ingredients. Spread it in all the corners, cracks or places where there is an accumulation of things.

vinegar and water

Mix a cup of vinegar in two cups of water in a spray bottle and spread on the entrances and windows. Perform three to four times a week. It’s important to note that spiders dislike vinegar, so it’s an effective trick.


Boil some water with tobacco. Once the concentrate is ready, remove from the heat and clean the surfaces with it. Another excellent option is to place tobacco cuffs in the corners and at the entrance.

However, the best way to deter spiders is to clean regularly, reduce clutter, and reduce dark spaces. Violinist spiders like any other usually enjoy corners and dust.