A hug tells you if he really loves you or just pretends to love you

A hug tells you if he really loves you or just pretends to love you

People show their feelings with actions and feelings, discover how a hug makes the difference between truly loving or just pretending to love

In couple relationships, you always seek to be balanced despite the differences, a hug usually says more than a thousand words. Do you like hugs?

Real love implies spontaneity , and this is when you realize how much your preja loves you, because she does not repair to give you a nice hug alone or in public.

Sometimes they are not so good at speaking it, and expressing that they love , sometimes they are quiet people who demonstrate it in a different way, if you guessed it, with hugs !.

A hug says more than a thousand words. Photo: pixabay

If you are dating a person and they are still nothing, it may be that he is shy with his words, but when he says goodbye to you or receives you, he does not hesitate to give you a hug that surrounds your body offering sincere affection.

Love manifests itself in all possible ways, today we will talk about how a hug usually makes a difference.

The hug in public. This marks belonging, it is like saying this person is my beloved or beloved, I feel proud to be in the company of my partner.

When she gives you a big hug, it is to let you know that you are in the right place, in her life! Be proud that a woman hangs up to your neck when she hugs you, that means that she feels happy with you.

A romantic hug is slow , it is calm and you realize it because it begins by holding your hands, as a sign of sweetness and tenderness.

Now, when your partner hugs you for a second only in front of people and discreetly takes your hands off his back, this is because he is still not sure that he is with the right person.

A quick, meaningless hug implies that there is no love that has a spark, that has true love, it is like faltering in the relationship.

There are those who do not like to hug, but you can tell when they put all their effort to please you and be comfortable with you.

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