Age At Which Young People Stop Exercising, Study Finds

Age At Which Young People Stop Exercising, Study Finds

A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that young people stop doing physical activity due to different factors.

The study covers from 2001 to 2016 around the world ; age range where most young people seem to stop doing physical activity.

Regardless of the country, the figures produced by the study are alarming , both for the global and individual health of adolescents.

The ages of adolescents where this cause is most present range from 10 to 19 years, in full puberty and physical growth of human beings.

Only one in five teens exercise. Photo: pixabay

According to the study published by the specialized health journal Lancet Child and Adolescent Healt , data was collected from 1.6 million adolescents around the world, which yielded alarming data: only one in five young people exercise or play sports.

It is well known that the benefits of exercising are innumerable , since doing physical activity improves all the systems that make up the human body. The WHO recommends everyone to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to prevent any type of illness.

However, stopping or not practicing any sport, or any type of activity that involves people’s physique, unleashes the causes of suffering serious diseases for people’s lives.

The main causes, according to the study, why young people stop doing physical activities range from the violence that is experienced in each country but also includes the lack of time and space.

Therefore, the World Health Organization has implemented campaigns for adolescents to exercise and thus reduce these figures by 70% until 2030, a total of 15% of the total obtained.

The study does not make comparisons between developed or underdeveloped countries, since in both criteria of countries the figures are very high. Some of the factors such as that people who exercise at night are at greater risk for their integrity with an act of violence. For this and other reasons, some teens have stopped exercising.

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