Dividing the Care of Children Equally, Key to a Happy Couple

Dividing the Care of Children Equally, Key to a Happy Couple

One of the keys to living a happy and satisfying marriage is dividing the care of children equally, equitably, reports a study

Life as a couple can bring us a great number of joys and satisfactions in our lives, but if we want to experience a higher level of happiness and purpose, it is a very popular idea to marry and have children. It is true that raising children is one of the tasks that provide the most satisfaction to a person, but to achieve it you have to do it in a proper way.

Much research in recent years indicates that the opposite is actually the case, since it indicates that most parents tend to be less happy and feel less satisfaction with their lives than those couples who have not had children.

But this should not discourage parents, as research published in Gender & Society found that the happiness gap between marriages with and without children can be closed with certain strategies, such as dividing parenting equally between both parents, equally. .

Divide the care of the children equally, the key to a happy couple. Photo: Pexels

The research collected information from more than 18 thousand women and 12 thousand men in a period of time between 1984 and 2015 regarding how satisfied they feel in terms of their lives, and how attached they feel to traditionally accepted gender roles ( that have to do with raising children, since it is a popular belief that women should care for and raise children while their parents work and bring support to the home).

Scientists found that as gender roles become more and more relaxed, mothers and fathers become more equitably involved in parenting and housework, and their levels of happiness and satisfaction. with their lives has gone up .

Equally sharing parenting creates happier marriages. Photo: Pexels

As we can see, in order to enjoy a more satisfactory and healthy relationship and family life, it is necessary to start distributing the care of the children in an equitable way , regardless of whether it is father or mother, as well as distributing in equal and fair shares of household chores.

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