Going back with your ex is like putting water in shampoo

Getting back with your ex is like putting water in shampoo.

Going back with your ex is not a good idea, at least almost never, because it means going back with someone who already had the opportunity to make you feel special and only hurt you

One of the worst decisions you can make is to go back to your ex, or at least it almost always turns out to be a true double failure, because although sometimes it does work, some only get more hurt from a second chance, because it’s like putting water in shampoo , It may work, but it won’t be the same, it won’t have the same effect, and neither of you will be satisfied.

Getting back with your ex is like giving your enemy another chance to destroy you because the first time he couldn’t complete his mission, that’s why think carefully before letting him back into your life , because doing so is like putting water in shampoo, you know that will get you out of trouble, but it will not give the same result, it will not fulfill its function one hundred percent.

There are those who do return to their ex-partner with the illusion that this time things will work out, that they will finally be able to continue with those plans that they left unfinished, and when both of them want to do everything right and commit, forgetting the mistakes of the past and swearing not to commit them again, it is achieved, but it does not always happen, most of the cases everything ends worse.

Photo: Pexels.
Photo: Pexels.

Going back with your ex is accepting that you never got over your past , that you always clung to it and that you couldn’t rebuild your life, you expose your emotional attachment, in addition to the fact that you end up putting aside your present, without thinking about the future , that’s why you should be very careful with your decision about getting back with that person with whom you already tried once and it didn’t work out.

And it is that getting back with your ex is like putting water in shampoo, you don’t want to buy another one, so you fill it with water because you know it can get you out of that trouble, but you also recognize that it won’t have the same effect, it won’t be even to put shampoo from a new bottle, so ask yourself if you really want to open the door to the past again.

You already gave your ex the opportunity to be by your side, to grow and build together, to be a beautiful and exemplary relationship, to complement each other, however he did not want it that way, on the contrary, he wasted the moment without caring about anything , he left without looking back , what makes you think that it has already changed and that it will not hurt you again? You only have his words and promises as a guarantee, those same ones that he did not fulfill the first time.

If you go back with him, doubts will most likely not let you be happy, because in your mind will be present that "what if he cheats on me again?", "what if he is lying to me like last time?", you will be full of fears because you don’t want to repeat that story and be heartbroken for the second time, that’s why before get back with your ex, think that he has nothing new to offer you.